In order to stream line the Cotton Cess Recovery on scientific and technical basis by adopting most modern methods. The Governing Body of Pakistan Central Cotton Committee has established a separate Directorate on 24th December, 2004 at Lahore considering the majority of textile Mills head offices are established surrounding this city. The Directorate is headed by the Director Cotton Cess Management who is responsible to cover all the spinning mills existing/working throughout Pakistan. The Cotton Cess is applied on the Spinning mills which are brought to the cotton (either pressed or loose) to the blow room for processing of yarn. It is levied on the quantity issued to blow room as per bale basis. The Federal Government has revised and fixed the Cotton Cess rate of Rs. 50/- per bale equal to 170-kgs from 1st July, 2012. Under the law all textile / spinning mills are required to file the Cotton Consumption Returns and Monthly textile mills progress report along with the Cotton Cess payment to be deposited in authorized branches of National Bank of Pakistan before 7th of every month positively. The Returns along with the payment slips are required to be submitted to Director Cotton Cess Management and concerned D.C.O according to the law. The funds generated from Cotton Cess are spent for the improvement and development of cotton through the network of Research Institutes and Research Stations located in the most cotton producing areas of Pakistan. There are five important wings of Directorate of Cotton Cess Management.

1: Computer Section
2: Reconciliation Section
3: Data Section
4: Legal Section

Contact No.

Phone # : +92-42-99213634


Phone # : +92-42-99213633


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